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Tramontina is for the whole family and all the publicity of our brands proves this. Our Children's Line, Mother's Day and Father's Day products had dedicated advertising campaigns exclusively developed for each occasion.

Our Children's Line had special content on our brand's blog [add https://www.tramontina.com.br/dicas-fazer-bonito/categoria/dicas-de-presente], as well as online advertising on Facebook, Instagram and Google Search, with an impact in the south and southeast regions of Brazil and state capitals. We also had a new catalogue made and new merchandising materials for POS: stoppers, wobblers, banners, stand headers, clip strips, balloons, coloring sheets and totems for photos.

This line also had dedicated marketing actions with the press and influencers. All publicity was made with three great purchasing moments for consumers: Baby Shower, Feeding and Organizing/Toys/Scissors. Selected products were also sent to widely influential celebrities with a significant number of followers on social media.

Mother's Day

With the concept, "The best Mother's Day present is spending the day with you!", this advertising campaign featured visual elements focusing on love for this very special occasion. The materials designed for POS spaces were banners, cubes, wobblers, stand headers, clip strips, cards, backdrops and metallic balloons.

Father's Day

Love between father and child is unconditional, and the best present will always be being together side by side, sharing those very special occasions. This year, we invested in items to make interactions easier between the people celebrated on this date, whether it's with a good barbecue with the family, a bike ride at the weekend or helping your dad clean the car. We featured promoted cards on Facebook and Instagram and sent out email marketing. The POS received banners, reels, cubes, floor stickers, cards, totems, clip strips and tabloids, as well as digital materials for client's platforms. Influencer dads also received kits with products such as household tools and barbecue products.

Brazil Week

Brazil Week was a movement to encourage consumption and stimulate the economy of the country, and Tramontina Store joined in: we dressed our online shop in green and yellow and promoted discounts and offers to our consumers.


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