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Tramontina now has 11 T stores in Brazil with the opening of new stores in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Belo Horizonte (MG) and Brasilia (DF).

Tramontina now has 11 T stores in Brazil with the opening of new stores in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Belo Horizonte (MG) and Brasilia (DF). They increase sales and add value for the brand and its consumers while generating information from data to further establish the brand’s importance. They also enable customers to provide insights for the industry, as well as evoking a unique consumer experience.

In the meantime, the online store has become more and more important because, besides selling products, it provides accessibility, displays Tramontina’s product diversity and helps to attract more customers to the physical store stores.

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Around the world

More brick-and-mortar T stores were opened in Latin America in 2019: Peru (Lima – San Miguel), Chile (Santiago de Chile - Florida Center) and Colombia (Bogota - Floresta). There are now 8 stores in total.

Online sales has also gained ground: Colombia, Peru and Chile (in a relaunch) have their own Tramontina e-commerce. The online store brings a more complete mix of products, helps broaden the channels for contact with consumers and to better know their profiles, as well as strengthens their relationship with the brand.

The website follows the same structure as Tramontina's e-commerce in Brazil: design, responsive, with good navigation and product presentation. Therefore, the brand keeps communication aligned on its initiatives and channels.


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